Author Archives: Robotman

R.I.P. Shitty Kitty (1992 – 2012)

I am very sad right now because my beloved cat Lisa AKA Shitty Kitty died today.  She was my little grey sidekick.   She was 20 years old, and up until a couple of months ago, she still bounced around and played like a little kitten.  She loved me more than she loved anything or anyone, […]

Thanks for the rootkit, Sony

You think I’d be leery of installing any software on a Sony branded disc after the horribly unethical way that the Sony rootkit scandal went down years ago.  But I was a fool. The long story short: I installed Blu-Ray writing software from Sony on my Windows XP laptop, and that software installed something called […]

The price of my computing needs

I meant to post this post a while ago.  Back when the details were fresh in my memory.  So please excuse me if they are fuzzy or wrong. This last Spring, I had two of my computers die on me – within 5 days of each other.  That fucking sucked.  One of those computers was […]

Song of the Day – “Together Again” by Chicago

I don’t really have any deep reason for posting this song… other than the fact that I was listening to it as I rode the bus home today.  It made me think of my girlfriend (the song, not the bus) and it put a smile on my face.  I wish I was with my beautiful […]

Oh, Spammers, you funny!

You will never see any approved spam comments on this here blog.  Spam comments are so damn easy to spot, it’s like I’ve set up the ultimate filter for them. The ultimate filter I says! Here’s how it works.  You see the content of this blog?  You see how it is composed?  It’s mainly stupid […]


No, no holy shoutings!  Donkeys not withstanding!  Ass! This post has nothing to do with Palm Sunday.  Nor does it have anything to do with the band Chicago, who has fast become one of my very favorite bands ever, as long as I pretend they broke up in 1974. No, this is about an old […]

So… this can just happen…

I complain about my job a lot on this blog.  My job is very stressful, mostly because I work with so many stupid people.  And please don’t think I’m trying to get laughs, I want to say right now this isn’t a funny post.  I’m serious when I say this.  I work with some of […]


The Story of Chicago – Book I

I’m digging very much the groovy sounds made pre-1975 by this formerly fine band.  And I think it’s a crying shame that their earlier reputation for making adventurous, jazz-influenced rock has been sullied and beaten and eventually run over by a fleet of fucking limousines by none other than the exact same band in the […]

Suckers for punishment… or something

Yesterday on Reddit, I saw a post titled “How to install Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 in Linux”.  Why would anyone want to do such a thing?  Seriously? Okay, do something fun… look down at the very next blog post on this very site.  Okay.  All in good fun.  Ha ha.  I made this […]

Is it Xubuntu or is it Windows 95?

Or some bastardized mishmash of Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 and Windows 98? Actually it’s my writing laptop with a definite oldschool look that gives me a chuckle every time I use it. For the record, this is Xubuntu 12.04. It all started when I was bored and upgrading from Xubuntu 10.04 to 12.04.  Contrary […]

Top Primate!

(or “I have had it with these motherfucking migraines on this motherfucking plane (of existence)) (or “I have had it with these monkey-fighting snakes on this Monday to Friday plane“) So, if you’ve read my crappy blog at all… and God, why would you?  Anyway, if you have, then you have no doubt read all […]

Song of the day – “Sing a Mean Tune Kid” by Chicago

Oh, joy.  Oh, happiness and wonderment, etc.  Et-Cetera. Robotman is blogging again!  Aren’t we all lucky!  I’ll tell you something, Buster, I’m pretty fucking lucky.  I no longer have to get up so damn early to get to work early and get home late because I leave work late because of traffic because of construction […]

Future F.A.I.T.

I’m addicted to commissioning fembot comics.  Is that such a bad thing?  I’m not going to answer that. Speaking of fembot comics, here’s another one!  Drawn and inked by Predator, coloured by Kanel Kitch, and lettered by Robotman…. Future F.A.I.T. A fun and cheesy homage and parody of 1950s sci-fi movies, featuring 5 different covers […]

Ashley George – S.A.S.S. Agent

I have another mini-comic to share, this time starring the lovely Ashley George.  This one shows the moment she is first activated at S.A.S.S. headquarters – and what she decides to do. Thanks again to A.B.Lust for making this one so sexy.

Sarina Valentina – S.A.S.S. Agent

Because I enjoyed the experience of making and reading SASS so much, I commissioned a 2-page mini-comic for Sarina Valentina.  A.B.Lust did some more awesome artwork for me, and I love the way it turned out. This shows Sarina’s badass side. Enjoy!

S.A.S.S. – Shemale Android Sex Sirens

A new fembot comic has arrived!  This one is catered to my relatively new sexual interest in shemales, and, well, the title is self explanatory. I must thank the superb artist A.B.Lust for drawing, inking and colouring this comic.  Copyright 2011 by Robotman and A.B.Lust. Without further ado, here it is!

So much for predictions.

Bah.  I was gonna blog.  I used to blog.  Now I just work.  Bah. So what’s changed in Robotman’s life recently?  I have had all hope beaten out of me, for one thing.  But do not despair!  I’m only talking about my job.  I’ve got plenty of hope outside of my shitty job of being […]

Hey, I remember this!

Wow!  This is a neat blog!  Some of it’s funny and some of it makes sense!  And it’s all about me and the silly things I like! Yes, it’s been a very long while since I’ve updated this blog.  Not to put too fine a point on things, but that’s because I have virtually no […]

A fun weekend of doing as little as possible

As little work as possible, that is.  I’ve been really busy this weekend with more Mikeification of more Jimi Hendrix.  The process shouldn’t have taken three weeks.  It doesn’t take more than about an hour to do an album.  But I have zero time during the week to get fun stuff like this done, so […]

You remember ol’ Croydon, eh?

The Mikeification of Jimmy Hendrix continues apace. Begin the thawing of Jim Nabors! Yeah… something like that. I have a long weekend!  Hooray!  I booked Friday off!  Hooray!  I have a fucking cold!  Hooray! And I have a fever too.  When I get fevers, I get a stupid amount of stuff done.  I’ve read volumes […]


No, not this guy… No, not even this guy… THIS guy. This blog post is about the late great Jimi Hendrix, and his awesome talent with the Play-Doh Mop-Top play set. Man, no one could use that thing like he did. Just kidding.  This was his tool of choice: Yikes!  It’s VERY SCAAAAARY in German!!! […]

“Wow man, that sounds fuckin good.”

I am rather talented when it comes to Mikeifying music, I must say. What is Mikeifying, I hear you ask? Well, Mikeification is the process of me using Cool Edit to adjust the audio properties of songs that I put onto my iPod.  Basically, I makes the tunes sounds more gooder.  The tricks I use […]

It’s Summertime!

Well break out the fucking pointy party hats and such because Calgary is getting some nice weather again.  We’re not breaking any records, I’m sure, but this is the kind of weather we usually get in July and August.  And it will be here for a week.  And it’s probably the reason why I was […]

How XScreensaver got me to use Xfce again

Here’s another nerdy story for you all!  Gather around the glow of the CRT, it’s time to get geeky! I recently got a DVD from Jolly Old England (that’s what the country is officially called, I think) because it’s so obscure I couldn’t get it here in Canada.  The video is this: Made by these […]

My writing laptop

Another update to my long dormant blog.  And only possible because I had a vacation day on Friday and therefore this is a long weekend for me.  Friday was a very bad day for me though.  Fuck you, weather headaches. Lately, I’ve been using my laptop more and more.  This was one I bought in […]

Sorry about the lack of posts lately

Yeah.  What he said.  I have no fucking time to myself any more.  Grumble.  And I had one of the worst headaches I’ve ever had in my life today.  I trust you, oh reader, are doing better.

Another Ubuntu user

Last week, I had actually brought back my friend’s computer to work so that i could give it to her.  But before I did, I asked her if she would like to have an alternative operating system installed beside Vista. I explained that she would be able to choose which one to boot when she […]


Thanks again to the intrepid Uncle Furry, I’ve found out about a great program from the makers of CCleaner.  It’s called Defraggler, and if you use that steaming pile of shit known as Windows Vista, you need this program. See, since the old old days of Windows 95, Microsoft has included a utility to defragment […]

So…. Vista

I have been, over the last 10 days or so, been fixing up a friend’s laptop for her.  You see, I knew there was something wrong with it when she emailed me about great deals on Rolex watches. So, knowing that she had malware problems, and knowing that I’m a computer geek who actually likes […]

Unhinged rant about how I don’t have any fucking time to myself

RAGE!!!! There,  I feel better. So, you may have noticed that I haven’t been updating my blog every day like I used to.  Well, amid all the exemplary dumbassery, epic moronitude and gobsmacked dontgiveafuckness of my blog, you may have noticed that I frequently bitch, whine, moan and otherwise complain about how much time I […]

Song of the Day – “Moribund the Burgermeister” by Peter Gabriel

Let’s get a couple of things out of the way as you are grooving to this strange and wonderful song. Moribund = Stagnant and without vitality or growth Burgermeister = Town councilor, ie. Mayor This song is not, in fact about this guy: Nor this guy: But that looks like one hell of a burger. […]

Song of the Day – “Tiger Rag” by Louis Armstrong

Louis Fucking Armstrong.  The Godfather of Death Metal. Would you believe this song was recorded in the 1940s?  And that the original was released on a 78rpm slate record from 1932? Believe it, or may hornets infest your toilet tank, and explode out of it with a mighty rage when you are bleary-eyed and trying […]

Song of the Day – “Radio” by Supersister

Okay, so I’ve listened to some of that thar Supersister I bought.  And before I progress… that’s a slight pun there… I’ll emphatically state that this is NOT the prefabricated British pop girl group from a couple years ago.  No, this is Robotman’s blog, dawgonnit, and I’m a gonna blabber on about obscure progressive rock […]

That post about dBpowerAmp

dBpowerAmp is a great program.  It is actually a suite of applications with different features, and the ones I use the most are the music converter and the CD ripping program.  Actually, I have used the CD ripping program a lot in the past and I will use it a lot in the future because […]

Bitching about the way things break in Linux

Just like in Windows… an update can fuck up your favourite programs.  I’ve blabbed before about how my favourite CD ripping program (Grip) no longer works, and now I’d like to bitch about how the replacement I found (Ripper X) doesn’t do as good a job as it should. Let’s start with mp3 tags.  I […]

My dedicated Civilization II terminal

Praise be to Uncle Furry, for he hath bestowed upon me a 10 year old Thinkpad with which to bask in the glory of Windows 98 SE! Hosanna! I had originally considered reinstalling one of the virtual Windows XP setups I run as a virtual OS inside Linux.  As you are probably tired of hearing, […]

Song of the Day – “The Sound of the Atom Splitting” by Pet Shop Boys

What a delightful little ditty! This is about as experimental and “avant-garde” as this duo of gay dudes ever got.  And I’ve never actually written “avant-garde” before.  I had to look it up.  And now I’ve gone and used it twice in quick succession. Can you dance to this?  Would you want to?  I’m not […]

Song of the Day – “I Wanna Make The World Turn Around” By Steve Miller Band

More 80s!  And… lord help us all… KENNY FUCKING G!!!!! So… I know what you’re thinking.  How does that spindly little greasy-haired bastard have anything to do with good music? I’m thinking the same thing too.  But the sax solo in this song was done by a then relatively unknown Kenny G. Did you know […]

Song of the Day – “Too Many of My Yesterdays” by Peter Hammill

Just a dude and a piano. This pic came up for a Google image search of “dude” and “piano”.  So here it is. I’ve become quite fond of Mr. Hammill’s solo music, and I even like (most) of his 80s stuff.  Some of it is bland 80s pop, but at least he didn’t have entirely […]

Adventures in Servicepackland

FUCK.  This is one exciting blog I maintain here, isn’t it?  I mean, where else on the vast interwebs can you go to read what some random dipshit has to say about computers, old music and his perverted sexual interest in female androids? Nowheres, that’s wheres. If you want a gateway to the new “Information […]

Why geeks should ask for help in naming things.

Hoe-kay. Ubuntu comes with a nifty little screenshot application.  You just hit the “print” key (your keyboard has one, it probably says “Prt Scr” over “SysRq”) and voila, a nifty little application window comes up and asks you where you’d like to save the screenshot and what you’d like to call it. Nifty is one […]

So long, CivII

Here’s a long and uninteresting story.  Kind of like everything else on this blog.  Except some of this drivel is mercifully short. Anyway, I am a fan of the 1996 game Civilization II.  I play it a lot.  It wastes a lot of my time, actually.  I’ve spent hours playing it when I should have […]

Far better to spend the money now than save it for when I really need it… right?

Well, here I go buying CDs again.  You know, I’ve still never ever bought mp3s?  I always get the feeling that if I do I’ll somehow get screwed over when I can’t go and grab the original physical CD to re-rip the music from later. What the fuck am I talking about… I’ve bought hours […]

Song of the Day – “Child in Time” by Deep Purple.

There are many versions of this song available.  There is one studio version from this album: Which has a great album cover.  Sadly, Deep Purple album covers can often suck balls, so enjoy this one while you can. The version recorded on the album isn’t anywhere as near as good as some of the live […]

But who will read the Watchmen?

So, I went yesterday from reading about the worst movie ever made to the best comic book ever made. I am of course, talking about “Sexdroids in Space”. Kidding.  That’s just my personal favourite. No, I mean the Alan Moore written masterpiece “Watchmen”.  I had heard people say it was good, etc, and so on, […]

Song of the Day – “The House, The Street, The Room” by Gentle Giant

So, here’s 6 guys from England once again making me feel like I don’t know anything about music and I can’t play any instruments properly. Sigh. These guys were so fucking good at composition and playing that it’s scary.  And this song too is kind of spooky. Not really.  But the only reason I’m talking […]

Song of the Day – “Andromeda” by Zuckerbaby

Bubblegum pop.  By a 90s band, right here where I live in Calgary.  This was actually a fairly big radio hit in Canada.  I bought the album, because, back then, two great songs from a band would make me buy the album.  The other great song from these guys is called “Heavy”. Oh, why the […]

Uncle Furry’s never heard of Second Life?

Say it ain’t so!  I mean, for years, the joke has been that Second Life is full of furries… and here we have a fine full featured friendly furry who’s never even HEARD of it. This must change. Here is the link to Second Life. And here are some screenshots from Second Life: Okay, so […]

I ride the turtle again!

Look at him!  He’s riding the turtle! Actually, it’s a tortoise.  But who cares! Look at him! And like all slow rides, this ride gets you there eventually. If you’ve been paying attention to this blog… and honestly, I don’t know who the fuck in their right mind would, I mean come on.  Even I […]