Author Archives: Robotman

Automated BBW Dating!

This is fucking hilarious. I was doing a Google Image search for “Chubby Fembot” and I saw my very first manip in among the search results.  I was curious to see what kind of site would have this image on it, so I checked it out.  And oh my sweet lord, it’s a computer-generated spam […]

Ten Years of Phone Sex on NiteFlirt!

Well will you look at that, it’s been ten years to the day since I had my first phone sex experience on NiteFlirt.  Hooray! Remembering back, my first phone sex experience was with the lovely and talented Kaitlin, who was a natural at roleplaying as a robot over the phone.  I remember being so nervous […]

Emulator snobs

I’ve been wanting to make this rant for a while now, but after reading this thread on reddit (archive here), I feel that now is the right time to do it. Lately I’ve noticed  that there are some people in the “emulation community” who are just assholes.  They get mad over the stupidest shit – […]

Shemale Robots II – Electric Boogaloo

It’s time I continued where my first post left off, and uploaded another batch of my shemale robot manips. I try to make at least one new regular female android manip per week for FembotWiki, and I’ve gotten into the habit lately of making a shemale android manip for my own enjoyment too. So here […]


To forestall counter-revolutionary regressions and the tactics of those who would betray the ideals of the sacrifices our Comrades have made, please benefit in these glorious depictions of our shared console heritage. Onward!

Robotman’s Tutorial for Fembot Manips

NOTE: This tutorial is outdated, and no longer indicates how I make my manips.  But there may be some useful tips in it, so I’ll leave it up as it was written. A few weeks ago, I posted a tutorial about how to do some lighting and shadow effects on fembot manips in GIMP.  I […]

GIMP Tutorial for Fembot Manips

NOTE: This tutorial is outdated, and no longer indicates how I make my manips.  But there may be some useful tips in it, so I’ll leave it up as it was written. GIMP is powerful, free image manipulating software.  I use it in conjunction with IrfanView and good old MS Paint to make my fembot […]

Robotman Reviews Windows – Windows 1 2 3

As much as I love the security of desktop Linux, I still use Windows for certain things.  And I’ve been using Windows since 1998.  So I thought to myself “What the world really needs more than anything else, is Robotman’s thoughts on the different versions of Windows over the years.” If you want to see […]

Shemale Robots

I’ve been making manipulated fembot images for nearly four years now.  They’re crude, but effective, and I like them.  The vast majority of my manips are “faceoff” manips, showing a female robot with her facemask removed.  I’ve gone into detail over on Fembot Central about why this is such a turnon for me, so give […]

Mednafen: Still garbage after all these years

Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) have been around since the early 1970s.  They are not a new idea.  A well-thought out and proper-functioning GUI is essential to modern computer use. Think how frustrating it would be if your phone or tablet didn’t have a GUI, and you had to issue a memorized list of arcane commands […]

CyberFem Stories Volume 2 – Shemale Version

Hot on the heels of CyberFem Stories Volume 2 comes the shemale version!  The art for this was created by AB Lust at the same time, so here it is posted just a day after the female robot version. Thanks go out again to AB Lust for the beautiful artwork and to Kim Coquette for […]

CyberFem Stories Volume 2

The second installment of my series of short, sweet fembot comics is here!  Thanks go out again to AB Lust for the beautiful artwork again and to Kim Coquette for appearing once more as the robot technician. If you missed part one, you can check it out here. ©2016 Robotman and AB Lust.

CyberFem Stories Volume 1

I have a brand new comic to share! I’ve teamed up again with the incredibly talented AB Lust to bring this one to life, and it’s the start of a series of short comics that will take place in and around CyberFem Park – that wonderful, wonderful place.  And starring in this one as the […]

Robotman’s Cheap Classic Computer Calendar 2016

In the spirit of (literally) marking time and celebrating 8-bit computers of times gone by, I’ve made a calendar commemorating some of the pioneering home computers from the late 70s and early 80s.  The computers featured are: January: Apple II February: TRS-80 March: Atari 800 April: Commodore VIC-20 May: Texas Instruments TI-99/4A June: ZX Spectrum […]

Unlocking the Mysteries of Sega Saturn Emulation

The Sega Saturn.  It’s like a planetary system.  It’s like an atom.  Complex, yet ordered.  Dual CPUs and six other processors make it like a binary star system with six planets, or some mysterious element with a proton and neutron and six electrons. Nah, it’s actually a really fun console to own and play.  I’m […]

Kalie the Robot

Recently on NiteFlirt, I’ve been playing with a lovely chubby honey named Kalie.  She was brand new to fembot roleplay when I first contacted her, but she was looking for new experiences, and I’m glad she decided to try my kind of fun.  This single page mini-comic was inspired by her beauty and as a […]

Robotman Plays Guitar

For shits and giggles I’ve recorded some audio clips of my guitar playing.  This is me on my electric 7-string plugged into my Xoom effects box and into my laptop.  I’m not playing anything in particular, I’m making shit up as I go along.  © 2015 Robotman. Robotman – Guitar Improv 1.mp3 Robotman – Guitar […]

Fixin’ ta fix my controller

I really like my Saitek controllers. Not as much as I like my Logitech Dual Action controllers, but the Saitek controllers are what I use for my Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, 32X and TurboGrafx-16 emulators.  They’re decently built and feel comfortable in my large hands. So I was rather peeved when my oldest […]

SG-1000, Master System, and Game Gear emulation

Before Sega turned into the pathetic quarter-profits-chasing caricature of its former self that it is now, they were amassing quite a collection of games for their own video game systems.  This was back in the 80s and 90s, of course, decades ago. For years I’ve been using a program called MEKA to emulate the SG-1000, […]

A better way to emulate the TurboGrafx-CD

For a while now, I’ve been enjoying some of the rare video games that came out for the TurboGrafx-CD.  It was an add-on that came out for NEC’s TurboGrafx-16 console, and was the first CD-based way to play video games.  I talked about it here, exactly a year ago as luck would have it.  The […]

Kim 10144213 Model 500 at CyberFem Park

I just had to commission another single comic page for the lovely and talented Kim Coquette on NiteFlirt.  She’s been so awesome to the technosexual community, and her talents are second to none.  So this is to show my appreciation for all of the good times she’s given me. My thanks go out once more […]

Tutorial: How to fix the terrible sound on “From Genesis to Revelation”

When most people think of this album, they think “wall of schmaltz” or “the one that Johnathan King ruined”.  I usually try to defend the songs on this album, but I usually forget that when I listen to it, I’m hearing a heavily edited version that I carved up in an audio editor.  To quote […]

Hooray for old hardware

My current hobby of playing decades old console video games through emulation is contingent upon some rather old PCs continuing to work as if they were new.  When I think about how my newest and main emulation PC is seven years old now, and how its backup is eleven years old, I realize that things […]

The Mikeification of INXS

I am a big fan of the music INXS released during the first seven years of their existence.  That would be from around 1979 to 1986.  It’s good, energetic pop-rock.  I like some of their later stuff too, some of the stuff they made while they were international superstars, but I’ll get into that later. […]

A Poem – “The Creation of my Robot Girlfriend”

Poems, Everybody! Here’s a little background on this one.  I’ve been having this fantasy for a few years now, and I wanted to write it out into a more substantial story.  But honestly, I don’t think there’s much more that I could do with it, so here’s a poem. Oh, and the basis of the […]

A review of PlayStation emulators

Emulation can get a bad rap sometimes.  I think that mainly comes from people who don’t really understand what they’re talking about.  I also think it comes from people who are just opposed to the very concept of emulating a video game outside the original hardware for which it was intended. Since I discovered the […]

Quizicality 04 — Odyssey²

As you may or may not know, the Odyssey² was a home console that included a full Qwerty keyboard.  The few quiz games available for it take advantage of this setup. Math-A-Magic! (1980) Yes, another math quiz game.  But this one is probably the easiest out of all of them to play because of the […]

Quizicality 03 — Apple ][

Though the hardware was released a few months before the venerable Atari 2600, the Apple II computer was capable of a few more tricks than that console.  I chalk this up mainly to the fact that it’s a computer with a keyboard and the fact that it’s hardware was expandable.  The graphics are nowhere near […]

Quizicality 02 — Atari 2600

Among the Atari 2600’s vast and vastly inconsistent library of games are a couple that qualify as quiz games.  And yes, they are both math quiz games.  We’re not going to see anything so astoundingly complex as words just yet. Basic Math (1977) This launch title for the 2600 (when it was still known as […]

Quizicality 01 – Channel F

Back in 1976, video games were still a very new phenomenon.  The Fairchild Channel F was not the first home video game console, but it was the first one that allowed for interchangeable game cartridges.  And even with the rudimentary tech inside the console, the game library shows signs of creativity beyond just Pong. Math […]


It’s time for another batch of video game reviews here on Robotman’s blog.  This time, I’ll be focusing on the exciting, engrossing and exhilarating world of quiz games.  Hang on to the edge of your seat, because nothing gets the blood pumping like a round of 20 Questions played on your old 8-bit computer, am […]

Robotman’s Cheap Classic Console Calendar 2015

Because I’m a cheap bastard, and in the spirit of making things for myself, I’ve made a wall calendar for myself to use that celebrates old video game consoles.  This one is the sequel to last years calendar that I made, and it features twelve lesser-known and less popular consoles.  Give it a download if […]

LSD: Dream Emulator

That LSD stands for Lovely Sweet Dream, don’t you know.  Or one of many other things like in Limbo the Silent Dream, in Life the Sensuous Dream, in Logic the Symbolic Dream, in Leisure the Sonorous Dream, in Laughter the Spiritual Dream, in Lunacy the Savage Dream, in Linking the Sapient Dream, or one of […]

S.A.S.S. Renegades — Writer’s Commentary

“S.A.S.S. Renegades” is my latest commissioned comic, and the sequel to “Shemale Android Sex Sirens“.  Along with my comic “Sexdroids in Space”, it is the comic story of which I am most proud. I hadn’t originally intended to make a sequel to S.A.S.S.  Before I posted that comic, I contacted the lovely Sarina Valentina, who […]

Shemale Android Sex Sirens — Writer’s Commentary

S.A.S.S. is a beautiful thing.  Spoilers will be plentiful, so if you have never read the comic, I suggest you do that first.  This third major comic of mine was a diversion for me, both in the kinky sense of the word and in another.  First of all, it was the first comic I had […]

Future F.A.I.T. — Writer’s Commentary

Comic number four that I commissioned was Future F.A.I.T.  It was always meant to be the first in a series of comics, but I have yet to commission the next part.  Future F.A.I.T. is a light-hearted and (hopefully) funny homage to and parody of classic SciFi tropes and settings, and it stars the lovely Kiwi […]

The Genesis 2014 Remikeifications

“Can’t I just call it ‘audio restorations’ or something sane?” you’re probably wondering.  Why not be megalomaniacal about it?  I am quite awesome at it.  And one day – one day – I shall have me a tropical volcanic island lair/headquarters with the volcanic mountain carved into the shape of my head.  One day. But […]

Video Carnage 36 — The Checkered Flag

My Video Carnage reviews have all wrapped up, and I’ve done the circuit from console to console, all the way from the lowly Odyssey to the Xbox.  I’ve stopped in with some computers along the way to check out the driving there,and all told, I reviewed 99 games for 33 systems.  Now it’s time to […]

Video Carnage 35 — Road Rash (Part 2)

I’m back with the second half of my Road Rash series reviews.  The first five games I reviewed can be found here. Road Rash 3D (1998) This was the second Road Rash title I ever played, and it was one of the first games I bought when I first bought my PlayStation 2. In fact, […]

The remikeification of Genesis shall commence…

Well, I’ve plowed my way through all of those 2007 remixed Genesis albums I talked about a while ago.  If you don’t know what I mean when I talk about Mikeification, read that post.  It’s audio editing.  Do I sense?  Not mind. Now that I’ve actually listened to all those albums in their remixed form, […]

The TurboGrafx-CD

Back in 1988, NEC released the world’s first disc-based video game system in the form of an addon for their PC Engine console.  This was in Japan, where gamers got the new tech first in those days.  The CD-ROM² added some extra power to the base console, and game studios took advantage of this to […]

Mikeification wins again!

I’ve babbled before about what I call “Mikeification” – which is essentially audio restoration.  I use an audio editor to modify the music I listen to so that it sounds more pleasing to my ears.  I’m not talking about mashing it up with something else, or adding dope beats.  No, primarily I take my old […]

E.T. – The Extra Terrestrial

Despite what you might have read, this is not the worst video game ever made. This is definitely a terrible video game, and I do loathe it.  I can find no enjoyment in playing it.  But the story of E.T. is historically important, and it’s interwoven with the story of Atari’s fall from the top […]

Firefox – Australis and add-ons and themes

Oh my! I use Firefox for all of my browsing needs.  This is because Mozilla is one of the few entities left who are actually still striving and working to keep things on the Internet open and free as opposed to closed and restricted.  I also really like the browser itself because of the sheer […]

Windows XP – End of Life

It’s the operating system that won’t die! And even though I primarily use Xubuntu and other Linux-based operating systems for my PCs, I still use Windows XP.  I also use Windows 98, but that’s another blog post. My use of Windows XP is restricted to a virtual machine here on this main computer of mine.  […]

Mother Gong – Robot Woman

For years and years now, I’ve been searching the old Googles for images of robot women.  Some of these searches have been quite fruitful. And other’s not.  But there is this one album that kept popping up whenever I searched for the term “robot woman”.  Since I’m a music fan too, I tried to find […]

Video Carnage 34 — Road Rash (Part 1)

Now that I’ve gone from Odyssey to Xbox and burned chronologically through all the console hardware I own and emulate, I’m just going to focus on one series of racing games in particular for these next two posts. There are many popular and well-known racing game series that have come out for various consoles over […]

All the time in the world

You ever see that old episode of the Twilight Zone?  The one where this guy can never find any time to read his favourite books, then the H-bomb hits and then he has all the time in the world to read his books?  But then he breaks his glasses and can’t read his books? I’ve […]

Video Carnage 33 — Xbox

No, not the Red Ring of Death Special.  I’m talking about the original Xbox here, the one released by Microsoft in 2001.  My spellcheck wants to change Xbox to bijoux.  Ha! Selling only about 16% as many units as the PS2 sold, the Xbox is seen by many as a failure in the console market.  […]

Sexdroids in Space — Writer’s Commentary

We move on to the second comic I commissioned, “Sexdroids in Space”.  This one is tied with “S.A.S.S. Renegades” for my favourite out of all my comics, and it’s because I love the story I came up with.  I’m not sure that most people who have read “Sexdroids in Space” realize what it’s really about. […]