Author Archives: Robotman

Song of the Day – “Hemispheres” by Rush

YEAH!!! Man, this tune takes me back.  All 18 minutes of it.  See, I’m one of those weirdos who really likes long Progressive Rock songs.  That might stem from all the symphonic Classical Music I listened to when I was growing up.  It might also stem from the fact that I’m just a weirdo. I’m […]

Uncle Furry’s blog

Let’s go, let’s go, Down to Furry’s blog where I wanna lie low Low life, high life, woah let’s go, Take me down to Furry’s blog Everybody tag alog! Lyrics by Wings, fucked up by Robotman So my friend Uncle Furry has a blog.  Check it out!  He has a rudimentary command of the English […]

Fuck Apple

Fuck Apple And fuck Steve Jobs.  Apple is the new Microsoft.  They are a dangerous monopoly and they must be broken up.  Apple can no longer innovate, so its business is based on abusing the completely broken US patent system. Apple is now suing HTC over something which Apple stole from someone else.  Fuck Apple. […]

Song of the Day – “Riding to Work in the Year 2025 (Your Invisible Now)” by The Flaming Lips

Here’s a live version… which is decent.  How many of you out there have the album “Zaireeka” from 1997?  No one? Zaireeka is an oddity.  It’s actually 4 CDs, but they’re meant to be played all at once start-to-finish.  Yep, that’s right.  The album is spread out over 4 discs, meant to be played on […]

Song of the Day – “Please Don’t Worry” by Grand Funk Railroad

Now this is some pure, uncut rock.  No, not crack cocaine.  I’d even say it’s some excellent 70s rock, but it’s actually from a 1969 album called “Grand Funk” Now, some of you might have heard some Grand Funk Railroad on the radio.  They did have some hits.  If you have heard those hits, then […]

Song of the Day – “King’s Cross” by Pet Shop Boys

Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Today’s “Song of the Day” post is about…. Sorry, I have to make a childish joke first. “Dong of the Gay”. Heh.  Derp. Okay, this post is about how sheltered and naive I used to be.  When I was growing up, my parents were very strict about everything.  […]

Brief and meaningless

It’s Friday.  Good for me.  I’m going to bore you for a while and talk about my weather headaches.  Lately I’ve been getting disorientingly dizzy along with the headache pain.  So my solution is to get myself a prosthetic head.  I can probably just get something made of Styrofoam.  Just pin some googly eyes to […]

Android post

And here I am… blogging from my Android. No, not one like that. I’ve got my new phone all set up, and I’m typing this in a “notes” application that I got for free from the Android app store. I went looking for a proper word proccessor, but I didn’t find one.  I think I […]

Song of the Day – “Big Trouble” by David Lee Roth

You gotta love this guy.  THAT’S AN ORDER!!! If you don’t feel like reading my prattle, my twaddle, my blabber, my chatter today, just check out this link: While all the children are playing at the above link, I shall now gather the responsible adults around me, and we shall rationally discuss the merits […]

Sick kitty :(

No post tonight because my parents’ poor kitty Joey is sick.

Song of the Day – “Starless” by King Crimson

“Starless” (part 1) “Starless” (part 2) My favorite song.  No, actually my second favorite song, right after “Paranoid Android” by Radiohead.  I think.  That’s variable.  One of my faves for sure. This song is fucking amazing.  I know I’ve described songs as awesome and amazing before, but lets just do something here for a bit. […]

Song of the Day – “Don’t Dream It’s Over” by Crowded House

Cheer the fuck up! I think this one‘s about how everything seems to suck but you need to get your shit together and carry on living anyway. And if it’s not, that’s okay.  The Drummer for this band, Paul Hester, didnt’ take that message to heart.  He hung himself in a park around the turn […]

Lords of the Realm

Ah, Vegetation day. Silly me… working hard all week.  I should have known better than to not be born to parents who are filthy fucking rich. I spent today doing laundry and playing around with my Amiga emulator again.  Not so much actually playing, as still making “configuration files” that allow me to load the […]

A new phone

Something very bizarre happened to me a couple of months ago.  I received a call from someone at Rogers Canada, my phone company.  They had noticed that the majority of the “minutes” I spend on my phone are taken in the evening on weekdays.  This is because of my phone sex dalliances, of course. The […]

Rant of the Day – Whatever the fuck comes to mind

That is the image that appeared first in a Google image search when I entered “whatever the fuck comes to mind” in the search box. Not bad. I was going to blab a little bit about how I’m reading a lot of Roman history now.  I was going to do this when I talked about […]

Song of the Day – “The Wonderful Future” by Our Lady Peace

I just went hunting in Rhythmbox for a song to yap about, because the one that I heard on my way home is a little to long for a “Song of the Day” post.  That song, over 47 minutes long, is actually an entire album played live.  The band is Camel, and the album is […]

Song of the Day – “The Future Now” by Peter Hammill

Oh, that Peter Hammill! Always running about with a crazed look in his eyes and his half-beard.  You see, he was born with a full mustache and beard on the right side of his face.  And pointing his thumbs ever outward. No, that’s not true.  This is a good song, however.  It’s about how The […]

Song of the Day – “Come Back Brighter” by Reef

This YouTube link sounds pretty good.  And I feel pretty good.  I’ve got some Chef Boyardee cookin’ in the microwave, and I can eat it again without getting headaches! I also feel pretty good because I have another headache and the codeine is kicking in.  Codeine is a narcotic, as some of you may know.  […]

Nice pics

I’ve had these pics on my desktop for a couple of months… I was going to post them to the ol’ blog here to show to some artists over at Fembot Central. Well, here they are.  Click on the images to see them full-size. Start mannippin’!

Just browsing, thanks

Firefox is a very fine browser.  It’s full-featured, and it allows for the use of some excellent add-ons.  It used to be the fastest browser out there for Windows. As far as Linux is concerned, Firefox is a sludgy molasses pit.  Things have improved a bit since Firefox 2.0, but it’s nowhere near what it […]

Down for the Count

I won’t be saying much tonight because my head hurts bad.  The past month has been the worst for weather headaches I’ve ever had.  I thought about getting a prosthetic head…. but that might not be such a good idea. Speaking of “Down for the Count”, that’s an album by some hair metal band called […]

“LXDE – the cure for what ails our older PCs”

Not my headline, but one from Christopher Dawson over at ZDNet.  Seeing as how I’m under the effect of another bloody Chinook headache, and seeing as how I can’t get the neurons firing to think of a topic to blab about myself, I will just let you read that. And read this too, because it’s […]

Song of the Day – “The Conjuring” by Megadeth

Believe it or not, Megadeth was once good.  Fuck that, they were once FUCKING BRILLIANT.  Okay, actually, if were counting by albums, they were thrice brilliant. Here is my version of the Megadeth story… taken as far as I stopped giving a fuck about Dave Mustaine: Dave Mustaine, one of Metallica’s key songwriters and their […]

Song of the Day – “Psychic Vacuum” by Voivod

Please excuse the low quality of this video’s sound.  The song is really excellent, trust me.  The low bitrate here doesn’t do it any favours.  If you have the album “Dimension HatrÁ¶ss”, pop that in your stereo/player/whatever now. I SAID NOW!!! I don’t know who that old dude is.  I just Googled “Insistence” for a […]

Better than Mario Paint….

Ah, the long weekend. I understand it’s President’s Day down in the U.S. of A.  Goody for them.  I had a day off today on account of “Family Day”. Looking at the Wikipedia article for Family Day, I see I could have observed Louis Riel day too.  Damn.  Next year. I just mangled that picture […]

The Mikeification of Peter Hammill

Well, I dun finished messin with those Peter Hammill CDs I bought.  I now have his solo albums from 1971 to 1988.  Eventually I’ll get the 90s stuff, then the 00s.  He’s got over 30 freakin albums, people.  I need time to digest this music. And before I even listen to it, I go and […]

Song of the Day – “Fundamental” by Puya

Grab a tall cool drink, and sit back and relax.  This will be your new favorite song.  Alternatively, you can grab a short hot drink, and stand up to stretch.  I guess.  I’m enjoying a beverage myself.  It’s a cup of delicious, piping hot Earl Grey tea. Liking the song?  Like Salsa?  I’m not talking […]

Song of the Day – “Fire Child” by Bruce Dickinson

A song from Bruce Dickinson’s solo career (no, really, it is), “Fire Child” is one of those songs that speaks from the perspective of a Native American.  Reminds me of all the other similar songs that I have on my iPod.  Right now I can only think of “San Jacinto” by Peter Gabriel and “White […]

About those two boxes that disappeared at work today…

This was an email I sent to a friend of mine where I work.  He had gotten really mad.  Really mad. Play the song while gazing at the image and reflecting….

Song of the Day – “Radio Cure” by Wilco

Today’s song is from an interesting album.  You see, the story of “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” is a story about how the “Music Industry” is populated by out of touch business people who wouldn’t know good music if it stood up and smacked them in the fucking head. The album was recorded from the Fall of […]

Eat, Drink, Sex, Sleep, Dream

It’s way past my bedtime.  I have however, against sound financial judgment, shelled out more cash for phone sex.  I have a big sloppy grin on my face, and I believe it will stay with me for days as it often does.  This happiness is important to me because I used to be depressed.  For […]

I’ll be in The Lab

A friend of mine told me that he read my “Pope” post while he was delirious and hallucinating from a bad fever caused by a cold.  That’s fucking hilarious.  See how I mock you and your infirmity!  Mock! Tonight’s post is all about how I got that jones again.  Gosh dern, I’m in the need […]

All Sound and Fury…

No, not Furries. I have a friend who is a furry, and this shall serve as a shout-out to him. ;) So, what I’m trying to get at is that basically I have all kinds of projects on the back burner and here I am during the weekend and I’m playing games on the computer. […]

Song of the Day – “Down Rodeo” by Rage Against The Machine

Man, these guys is angry!  I understand the issues that Mr. de la Rocha is singing about.  I’ve got a bookshelf full of books that make me angry.  I can’t even read them any more, they make me too angry.  At this phase in my life I need to be happy, and I need to […]

News in Brief – A recap of this week’s events

It’s Friday, and that means it’s time for another “News in Brief” just like I do every Friday.  Every day, in fact.  I do this every hour here on this blog.  You see this every minute. The week started Monday when my head turned into a giant rear view mirror.  I got followed a lot […]

Song of the Day – “Fire in the Head” by The Tea Party

So I borrowed a CD from a friend today.  I listened to it on my way home.  Not bad.  Not original.  Not going to listen to it again or get it for myself. The band is called “Big Elf”.  Now, at first I thought that Ronnie James Dio had “bulked-up” as they say… taken a […]

Song of the Day – “White Wall” by The Bob Seger System

Yes, THAT Bob Seger.  Apologies, for I can’t find a YouTube link for this song.  This isn’t the kind of music that your everyday Bob Seger fans like.  This is some Midwestern Psychedelic Rock from back in 1969.  Good lord, does it sound different from what he did later! Bob Seger System – White Wall […]

Song of the Day – “Serenade” by Steve Miller Band

Paddington Bear fucking LOVES this song! No wait… that’s MARMALADE he likes. Onward. But first… isn’t the world of Winnie the Pooh a little ridiculous? This is more like it. Anyway, this song really takes me back.  Back in 1992, when I started listening to “Classic Rock”, Steve Miller was among the first artists to […]

Printers Through Windows

I was all set to get lots of stuff done today.  I still have a ton of music to Mikeify.  I got another album by Peter Hammill today, so I was going to do that one and put it on the iPod.  I ordered his 80s albums last week from, and every single one […]

Song of the Day – “Paste” by Pluto

Now here’s an interesting album cover: I had only heard this song by this band when I bought that album back in 1996.  Yes, I bought it on the strength of the one song and the nice image of a girl dressed up to look like a robot.  She sure looks like a robot to […]

I want my Amiga!

So I’m in the late stages of “Vegetation Day”.  Today, I have been spending time with my Amiga computer emulator and the games I have for it.  The emulator, WinUAE, is the most complicated emulator I have.  It took me damn near forever to figure out just how to use it properly. And you can’t […]

Song of the Day – “Who’ll Stop the Rain” by Creedence Clearwater Revival

I just read a Wikipedia article about what this song is about.  I can take that or leave it I guess.  To me, this song is about oppression.  I can hear “Who’ll stop the reign” in that chorus too.  That’s one of the reasons I like this song.  It can be interpreted in different ways. […]

Song of the Day – “Jackson” by Slim Cessna’s Auto Club

Looky here!  Today’s song of the day is not just meaningless rambling and bad jokes propped up by a YouTube link!  No-sirree-Jack! Today, you will be able to download this very song and add it to your music collection!  All legit and all for free! Thanks go to the good folks in Slim Cessna’s Auto […]

Nice words that aren’t “Happy Birthday”

Okay, printer manufacturers, I’ve got you in my sights. FUCK YOU.  FUCK YOU ALL. Greedy, avaricious, gluttonous scum-sucking lowlifes all of you! I’m never buying an inkjet printer again.  For the amount of sheer hassle I get, for the wasted money spent on ink and paper when things fuck up, for having to shell out […]

Song of the Day – “Smokin’ Banana Peels” by The Dead Milkmen

The album “Beelzebubba”, released in 1998, is one of the best albums ever made.  I make that statement without hesitation and with the fervor of one who knows what’s inside the album’s grooves… the cassette’s magnetic tracks… the CD’s track-shaped-bits and the mp3’s 1s and 0s. Man, is this a great album.  I don’t know […]


EGAD!  GADZOOKS!  ZOUNDS!!!! So, entirely typical of the way that I shoot my big fucking mouth off about things I don’t completely know or understand, I’ve gone and said a few things on this blog that need to now be corrected. Here’s the original post. None other than George Ou himself has graciously said hello […]

Playing games with my printer

Ah, vegetation day.  I try to make that Saturday, but I was too busy yesterday.  And now on Sunday I sit around and do as little as possible.  That’s a shame because I have a ton of stuff I need to get done.  Oh well. Right now, as I did rather recently, I am playing […]

Of Fanboys and Shills

I used to read ZDNet News quite frequently.  I still check the site out every other day or so, but the content is nothing like it used to be.  A few years ago there was some sort of shakeup at ZDNet.  The site’s top editor and most of the genuine journalists went bye-bye. I remember […]

Song of the Day – “E VerrÁ  L’Uomo” by Corte Dei Miracoli

Some things I have just found out from Babelfish: This band’s name translates as “Court of the Miracles” The song title translates as “And L’ Will come; Man” Things I knew before: This is an awesome, majestic, dynamic, emotive song The band is from Italy The lyrics are in Italian, and I have no idea […]

Song of the Day – “Molded Plastic” by The Epoxies

Meet Roxy Epoxy.  She is an android. At least that was her stage persona back in 2002 when The Epoxies self-titled album came out.  And this song, which popped up on my iPod today, is about her being a female android!  Yay! Read the lyrics.  I’m not making that up. This band has, sadly, broken […]