Author Archives: Robotman

Song of the Day – “The Mexican” by Babe Ruth

You can watch this song here, and listen to it here. Actually, both links just require you to listen.  But listen you should!  This band was from England, and I don’t know a whole lot about them.  All I know is that they crafted this fucking AWESOME song and had a chick who sang for […]

Song of the Day – “Biko” by Peter Gabriel

It wasn’t so long ago that the nation of South Africa was under the racist rule of a white supremacist government.  Plenty other world governments and leaders at the time were just fine with this arrangement.  It took agitation by individuals and rights groups, both from within and without the country to get people to […]

Another post where I bitch about the weather

It’s raining like the blazes here right now.  How do the blazes rain, you ask?  You’re asking, perhaps, the wrong fellow as I am not in much of a coherent mood right now.  And if you suspect that this post will devolve into a rant about the weather, you just might be correct. See, Calgary’s […]

Tonight no posty…. sleepy….


Song of the Day – “Yellow Ledbetter” by Pearl Jam

So… what the fuck is this song about anyway? Here are the lyrics: Unsealed, on a porch a letter sat Then you said, ‘I wanna leave it again’ Once I saw her on a beach of weathered sand And on the sand I wanna leave it again, yeah On a weekend, I wanna wish it […]

Upgrading Ubuntu

Well, the time has come again for me to run the “Distribution Upgrade” from the Update Manager window.  This usually means certain destruction.  I think I’ve only successfully upgraded an Ubuntu system once before.  Every other time I’ve done it, it has gone horribly wrong and left me with a broken and irreparable system.  Like […]

Kitty corner

Ah, Vegetation Day.  Actually, I took yesterday off as a day of vacation, so I’ve already had a day of doing nothing.  But I did stuff yesterday.  In fact, I was quite busy. Since moving back into my parents’ house, I’ve had to put up with the fact that it’s not my house and I […]

Song of the Day – “To Be A Millionaire” by Spacehog

This is a silly little song.  A silly, fun, odd little song.  But it actually contains a line that made me think, and that then made me realize something very profound and important. First, the lyrics: Shot his mother down With a gun that he had found Dragged her by the hair And sat her […]

Here’s a funny story about Yvonne.

Yvonne was a woman I worked with at my first job.  She was one of the most annoying people I have ever met.  She had a habit of talking in a “baby talk” voice all the fucking time.  She smoked like a chimney and always smelled of cigarettes.  Her and her husband were miserly to […]

Song of the Day – “Edge of Reality” by Elvis Presley

Break out the schmaltz!  Dress up in your Sunday best and be careful not to tap your toes to vigorously! Now, for some reason, this song has been popping up in my head frequently since I went and put about 22 hours and 55 minutes of Elvis on my iPod.  The tune comes from a […]

Peer pressure: All the cool kids are wearing plastic bags on their heads.

These are some things.  Not a few of my favorite things, but just some things I know. My parents’ 18 year old orange cat took over my new guitar’s case within a time span of five seconds I like big butts and I can not lie I’m sleepy I wish my parents were millionaires On […]

Jonesin’ bad and really fucking tired

Here’s a predictable statement from me… I need to talk to one of those sexy NiteFlirt ladies in a MAJOR way.  I didn’t get to play at all last week because of all the tired and sore I brought home from work. And that statement segues quite nicely into this next one: I’m hella fucking […]

A tale of three bodies

First, something I have to get out of the way.  Is it wrong to want 500 robot copies of Zooey Deschanel? Apparently this scene is from a movie.  And apparently these aren’t supposed to be androids in that movie.  What a wasted opportunity.  Anyway, If I can’t have 500 robot copies of Zooey Deschanel, I’ll […]

Song of the Day – “Shine On You Crazy Diamond” by Pink Floyd

35 years ago today, Syd Barrett wandered suddenly into Abbey Road studios and visited his former bandmates in Pink Floyd as they were working on the final mix of this song. I just noticed this coincidence of a coincidence as I coincidentally listened to some articles about Pink Floyd on Wikipedia.  My usual Vegetation Day […]

Eight Plungers?!

This is related to the post directly below about my seven guitars.


I gave myself a treat today.  I went to the music store and bought another guitar.  I now own seven of them. Holy fuck!  What the hell is wrong with me!?  Why the fuck do I own so many guitars!? There is a logical explanation for this all.  Bear with me. First of all, one […]

I am a raccoon

Why, you ask, am I a raccoon? Here are the facts: I am a lovable scamp with a fluffy and ringed tail My adorable whiskers twitch when I sniff around for morsels of food I wash my food in a stream before I eat it I have large black circles under my eyes Now it’s […]

Song of the Day – “From the River” by The Villains

You’ve probably never heard of this band.  You may have heard this song though.  But only if you live in Canada, and especially in Calgary. The Villains were a band that existed from the late 90s in Grande Prarie until around 2007 in Calgary.  I worked with two of the members at my last job, […]

Tonight’s post….

… has been canceled due to my rather excruciating and disorienting weather headache.  Here is a funny picture that makes a good point.

So I’m a porn star now

Well… sort of. Actually, “sort of” is kind of exaggerating.  Let’s say “almost” or – to be even more accurate – “not really”. What I’m trying to dance-around and not actually say involves phone sex.  It’s expensive, but it’s so much fun.  And today, I have… well, I’d better not say too much about it.  […]

State of the Art

Vegetation day again Ah, the rest period. The time to sit.  The time not to act.  The time to marvel at how I got 12 hours of sleep overnight, and how I just got up from a 4 hour nap and I’m still tired. But my feet don’t hurt as much as they did yesterday.  […]

Song of the Day – “Like a Rolling Stone” by Jimi Hendrix

Jimi’s version. Also, “Like a Rolling Stone” by The Rolling Stones And why the hell not… “Like a Rolling Stone” by Bob Dylan Bob Dylan wrote this song.  And I’m going to pull a total dick move here and piss plenty of people off by saying what I’m about to say.  Bob Dylan can’t fucking […]

Song of the Day – “Funeral for a Friend / Love Lies Bleeding” by Elton John

Man, what a song.  And as Wikipedia has just told me (as it sat on my shoulder and whispered into my ear like it were some sort of bird) that majestic and awe-inspiring intro was actually played by David Hentschel.  But anyway, the first part, the “Funeral for a Friend” part is what a young […]

Did I already mention this?

Or “How to Generate a Generic Post on Robotman’s Blog”, Part 1. Seeing as how doing things twice (at the very least) is in vogue (see below), and seeing as how I’m very tired (OMG DÁ©jÁ  vu!) I will now (superfluous parenthetical remark) prattle on and on (ad nauseam, ad infinitum) about precisely nothing that […]

Double take

Why stop at one when you can have two? Everybody likes twins! Okay, before I get totally derailed here again… no, hold up, I’m going to indulge in this for a while.  These are the Barbi Twins. Back in the 90s, I was SURE they were androids.  Look at those blank stares!  Look at those […]

Nothing much

Family Guy’s jokes are usually pretty contrived, and one can usually see them coming from six blocks away.  But sometimes they’re done so awesomely that one has to admire them. Like this. Anyway, this was supposed to be a day for me to get all kinds of stuff done, but I had to sit around […]

More fun with old computers

What a lazy layabout I am.  Also, I am a nerdy neerdowell, a silly scofflaw and a mischievous malcontent.  And I have had a day of fun with my two very old computers. One of these I have had since 1998.  The other is a recent acquisition, courtesy of Uncle Furry.  Thanks Uncle Furry! First, […]

Civ2, Russian around, and Rasslin

So, there’s another day wasted.  All I did today was read news, funny stuff and assorted articles on Wikipedia while I played Civilization II.  I’m Russian.  Actually, in real life my dad is an ethnic German Russian.  A Volga German. So I do claim a certain affinity with things Russian.  Especially this: Okay, so I […]

I am tired and I am a video game geek and the world must know

I got off work at 2:30pm today.  And that’s a good thing because I’m mentally and physically exhausted from Wednesday… and the rest of the week too.  But mostly Wednesday.  What a fucking day.  And Wednesday is in honour of our god Odin.  Praise be to him! You see, Odin had some crows to help […]

Song of the Day – “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley and the Wailers

Would you believe that this is the top search for Bob Marley songs on YouTube?  I bet you would, after listening to this song.  You don’t even need to be high on pot to feel good while listening to this song. I’m really tired right now so I’m going to bed very soon.  But I […]

Crows are smart

I’m gonna tell a tale now about boids.  Smaht boids. Why can’t I ever find that Far Side comic online?  You know, the one where the police are gathered around Big Bird’s lifeless body and the detective is examining the bullets on the floor and he says “Bird shot.  Big bird shot.” I wish I […]

Song of the Day – “Achilles Last Stand” by Led Zeppelin

I don’t really know what this song is about.  Actually, it’s about 10 minutes. <rimshot> Also, here’s a joke.  Two drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff. <rimshot> Enough buffoonery.  Let’s get down to brass tax.  Or is that brass tacks?  I’m not sure.  See, I’ve had my cough return to me today, even […]

Song of the Day – “Mark of Vaccination” by Slim Cessna’s Auto Club.

YEEEEEHAW!!!!! Here’s a live rendition of this song because that’s all I could find. Now… I’m not a fan of Country Music.  However, this band allows all kinds of exceptions.  These guys are fucking brilliant, and they make a very enjoyable Hillbilly/Gospel/Punk kind of mix with as much wit, heart and soul as you could […]

Song of the day “End of the Line” by Traveling Wilburys

This is a kind of bittersweet song.  You could see for yourself what I mean had the copyright cartels not removed the official video from YouTube.  Listen to the music at the above link, but ignore the graphics because it was uploaded by spammers. Pretty fucking sad when we have to rely on spammers to […]

A new toy 2

I’ve still got that 10 year old Thinkpad.  And I’m still enjoying it.  Here’s a status update for those of you waiting breathlessly for such information. This puppy now dual boots both Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 98 SE.  That’s a month-old operating system coupled with a 12 year old operating system on a 10 year […]

Goodbye GRip

I’m losing my GRip.  My GRip ain’t what it used to be.  I just can’t GRip any more. All these idiotic puns refer to the great Linux application “GRip”.  That stands for Gnome Rip.  Gnome being the popular Linux desktop environment and Rip being what you do to CDs instead of playing them now. Back […]


Since I couldn’t fend off this bloody flu virus by myself, I went out and got me some antibiotics.  Big yellow pills – 20 of them.  And I have to take them in 10 days. Now, you might be wondering why I titled this stupid blog post with that stupid pun. Well, I’m glad you […]

Night of the Living Flu

The Flu that Wouldn’t Die! Verrry Scarrry! Yes, it’s back.  It never really went away, and now I’m toasting my sneezes, my coughing and my runny nose with more cough syrup.  I haven’t had anything stick around this long since I had Bronchitis.  Bleh.

Song of the Day – “Radio” by Copyright

Do you have any idea how hard it is to search YouTube for a song called “Radio” by a band called Copyright? It’s hard. And I didn’t spend a lot of time trying to find a link.  This is what the search is like. So, if you’ve ever heard this song, just hum it in […]

July 13th? Hmmmmmm…..

So I read this morning that Microsoft will end support for Windows XP SP2 on July 13th of this year.  That happens to be what I’m running on my only two Windows installations that have access to the internet.  One is my laptop, and the other is a virtual XP installation running inside VirtualBox here […]

A new toy

As part of my ongoing quest to experience the unmitigated awesome that is the Windows 3.1 operating system, I have acquired an old laptop.  Thanks, Uncle Furry. ;) It’s from the heady year of 2000, which was once a large-looming “FUTURE” but is now, like, ten years ago. And it has Windows 98 already on […]

Song of the Day – “Three Lock Box” by Sammy Hagar

Videos are stupid. Just look at this one.  Maybe you don’t see it.  That’s okay, I’m a little weird.  I don’t like TV or movies.  And videos.  But look at that hair.  Yikes! This is a good song however.  Just don’t pay too much attention to the lyrics.  It’s Sammy Hagar, for crying out loud.  […]

My, how things change

Yesterday was an odd day.  There’s an old saying in Calgary…. “If you don’t like the weather in Calgary, wait 5 minutes.” How very true.  Yesterday, while I was at work, I opened a bay door to see that the sun was out for the first time in days.  It has been unseasonably cold and […]

5 posts in one!

“Sexdroids in Space” is now up at SpaceBabe Central.  At least the first 5 pages are.  I’m honored to have it appear on that site, since that is how I found Predator and Simon Wright when I commissioned my first comic. I really like the animated gif in the top right corner at SBC.  “She […]

Song of the Day – “Lemmings (Including Cog)” by Van Der Graaf Generator

How do I do this song justice in one of my crappy “Song of the Day” posts? I guess I don’t.  I originally intended these posts to be discussions of the song, its meaning, its tune, its structure.  Instead, I provide a YouTube link and make lame jokes. Part 1 Part 2 Pee pee poo […]

Fuck the fucking flu

This is the third time that as I have felt better, the fucking flu came back hard to make sure I didn’t feel better. Fuck the fucking flu. Also, fuck the fucking Pope.

Thoughts on Ubuntu 10.04

I’ve read that this latest release is buggy. And I’ve also read that it’s got an “unfinished feel”, especially for a Long Term Release.  And from what my own experience with it tells me, I would have to agree. I mentioned earlier how I downloaded the beta and installed it on my netbook.  That went… […]

Art to life

I’m still thrilled with the way my second comic, “Sexdroids in Space” turned out.  I pronounce it to be the most awesome thing ever in the history of everything. Ever. And to show just what a great job the artist and the colourist did at rendering the characters, I now present the models on which […]

Song of the Day – “One for the Vine” by Genesis

Don’t ask me what this song is about.  Because if you did, I’d probably say something silly like it’s about a guy who thinks he’s the messiah and ends up leading his followers to a battle in which they are slaughtered.  Oh, and he sees Jesus right around then. I don’t know if I’m right.  […]

So tired…

… so very tired.  This flu is overstaying it’s welcome.